
The company “FlexGum” is located in Loznica. It has been operating since 1986, a family business, third generation. The main activity is the production of spare rubber parts and tire connections. It has an assortment of 10,000 products, parts for hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, parts for machines for exploration work in mining. It operates in its own business premises in Loznica.

Products/Services: Products: parts for hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, parts for machines for exploration work in mining. It operates in its own business premises in Loznica.

Production capacities: production is order based

A: Georgija Jakšića 1, 15300 Loznica, Serbia
P: +381 60 43 21 108
M: +381 60 43 21 108
E: slavicaoriflameloznica@gmail.com