Institute for Medical Research

Institute for Medical Research is a leading national scientific institute in the field of biomedical sciences with a mission to contribute to human health through high quality scientific research. Multidisciplinary approach in basic and applied research is used in broad range of biomedical fields: cardiovascular physiology, hematology, immunology, neurology, neuroendocrinology, oncology, nutrition, metabolism, dietology, parasitology, medical entomology, biomedical engineering and biophysics.

Products: Institute for Medical Research can offer research excellence in several fields adressing the current major healthcare challenges through biomedical translational research.

Institute for Medical Research University of Belgrade, National Institute of Republic of Serbia
A: Dr Subotića 4, POBox 102, 11129 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 26 85 788, +381 11 26 84 484
M: +381 64 11 34 305