Midmeding nova
Company Midmeding nova d.o.o., with headquarters in Belgrade, is specialized in providing services related to registration and promotion of medicines, medical devices, medical equipment and dietary supplements. We focus our knowledge and experience in recognizing the market possibilities for foreign companies which require secure placement of their products.
Products/Services: Our services include leading the client through the entire procedure of registration of medicines, medical devices and dietary supplement, marketing, logistic support, distribution to pharmacies, hospitals and clinic centers on our market and offering other solutions related to your product.
Production capacities:
- procena registracione dokumentacije
- dobijanje dozvole za stavljanje leka u promet
- obnova dozvole za stavljanje leka u promet
- prenos dozvole za stavljanje leka u promet na drugog nosioca
- varijacije (izmene/dopune) dozvole za stavljanje leka u promet
- usluge farmakovigilance
- izveštavanje o statusu podnetih aplikacija
- adekvatno čuvanje i skladištenje svih podataka i dokumentacije
- osmišljavanje marketing strategije proizvoda
Standards and certifications: GDP standard
Midmeding nova
A: Milošev Kladenac 9V, 11000 Beolgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 24 47 539
M: +381 63 25 62 85
E: office@midmedingnova.rs