A Hundred B2B
meetings of our
Business people
in Dubai Bringing
Concrete Business

20 OCTOBER 2021
Companies, institutions and start-ups from Serbia, which are participating in the thematic week “Space” of the World Exhibition in Dubai, had about a hundred b2b meetings with businesspeople and scientists from Asia, Europe, America and Africa at the central business event in the Business Hub of Serbia. They expect that the agreements and established cooperation will soon result in concrete business arrangements.
“All contacts made during their stay at the World Exhibition on the thematic week “Space” are a good basis for building further business communications, but everything depends on the businesspeople and their persistence and readiness”, said Ana Raičević, Secretary of the CCIS Association of Metalworking Industry.
The companies have had a very dynamic programme, participated in the ”Space Business Forum” where they were acquainted with the development of the space technologies, space exploration and the use of resources.
At the American Pavilion, they talked with representatives of Boeing, Jacobs, Lockheed Martin, and Starlab Oasis about the possibilities of cooperation and joint business operations, and held numerous bilateral meetings with representatives of the UAE, Slovakia, Mexico, Lithuania, Syria, Argentina, and other countries,” said Raičević.
The doors of the Aerospace Hub in the Dubai Free Zone are open to companies, where global giants such as Lufthansa, Generaleletric, Airbus and Amazon already operate, and our companies have benefits when registering, renting space and doing business networking“, added the CCIS representative.
“Businesspeople see their participation at the Expo 2020 Dubai as an opportunity for expansion to other markets, from Hong Kong to New York, but also for positioning Serbia in the space industry and getting connected with space agencies from Europe, Asia and America.
“At Expo 2020 Dubai, we met several new potential partners to whom we offered our products. After Dubai, we expect to start negotiations for concrete business arrangements. You need to be patient and persistent because it takes some time from the introduction to implementation of such business arrangements “, points out Jelena Ekmedžić from the Company Konelek.
The World Exhibition in Dubai has enabled us to make contacts with representatives of companies from the aviation industry, which could not be achieved easily on our own. Thanks to the CCIS and the Office in Dubai, significant contacts have been made, this is a great initiative and we will always be happy to join such initiatives, adds Ekmedžić.
Our Company Saga also has great experiences both from the thematic week “Space” and the ICT Gitex Fair, where they also presented themselves. “Although we operate mostly on the domestic market, we also have references in the Near East, and Dubai is a great opportunity for us to offer our products and services to a large number of potential users in one place,” said Siniša Ljubojević from Saga.
Veselin Banković, owner of the Company SpecTec Middle East, which has been operating in the UAE for two decades, and which deals with software solutions for the oil and gas shipping industry, says that Serbian companies are very competitive and can position themselves well in the Middle East markets in all business segments, from IT to food industry. This is because of the quality of products, but also the inventiveness, innovation and creativity of our employees. According to him, the opening of the Business Hub of Serbia is a great support to our businesspeople to find their way through this market, to be well informed on all business conditions, and to present and promote themselves.
The businesspeople also presented their achievements in the field of aviation and space technologies in the Business Hub.