Aling Conel

Aling Conel is a part of ALING Group founded 1984. Headquarter is in Gajdobra, small village near Novi Sad, Serbia. Company started as a tool-room and over the years has grown into modern industrial facility for production of electrical installation materials.

Aling Conel was established 1999. Aling Conel inherited entire production program from Aling consisted of metal connectors, installation switches for wall mounting, program of plugs and extension cords.

Products/Services: electrical installation material

Production capacities: manufacture 2,000,000 units/month

Export markets: Europe, Asia and Africa

Standards and certifications: Aling Conel owns ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. All products are certified at TUV and for Russian Market Aling Conel obtained GOST R.

Aling Conel
A: Železnička 10, 21432 Gajdobra, Serbia
P: +381 762 106
M: +381 65 99 88 534