Aničić Design

“Anicic design” is the studio that loves designing smart solutions to complex challenges while satisfying both the business and the end-user goals. We support clients worldwide by helping them articulate their purpose, personality and value. While aiming to understand the core of the problem by utilizing a design thinking approach, we create solutions that perfectly fit your business goals. We recently opened a creative atelier-Borige atelier, concentrated in fine arts and art goods production.

Products/Services: branding, UX/UI design, advertising, user research, creative directions.

Products: paintings, decor items, wooden sculptures and stools

Production capacities: production is order based

Standards and certifications: Anicic design employees are certified by Adobe Illustrator Expert Certificate and Nielsen Norman Group Design Thinking certificate

Aničić Design
A: Vojvode Putnika 7, 15300 Loznica, Serbia
P: +381 15 87 36 92
M: +381 65 66 43 274