Brodokomerc NS

The company Brodokomerc NS was founded by Dragan Savanović in 2002 in Novi Sad, when they had 1 pusher ship and only 2 employees. The company was engaged exclusively in the transport of building construction materials, as well as in the agency of foreign ships, which were not many at the time.

During the 20 years of operation, the company has grown and established their own fleet with shipping capacities of cc 5000 t, became the owner of a dock for cargo and passenger vessels in Novi Sad and a ship agent for more than 50 international companies. The number of employees has grown up to 20 and they are the basic asset and biggest wealth. Their team, that with their common vision of good business and expansion of activities, has been the basis of Brodokomerc NS for 20 years, continues to overcome all the challenges with joined forces, and to sail the always turbulent Danube together.

Brodokomerc NS
A: Kozačinskog 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia