CPA Corpo Public Affairs
Consulting company engaged in Lobbying, Public Affairs, Business Development, Corporate Governance and Corporate Communications.
Founded in 2015 to be a strategic partner of numerous multinational, regional and local companies, entering or operating in the markets of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia. We manage overall public affairs and business strategy of our clients’ companies.
CORPO Public Affairs is the first licensed lobbying and consultancy firm in Serbia and one of the very few public affairs firms, managed by the skilled professionals, with 15 years of management and consulting experience with top international corporations (engaged in agriculture, FMCG, health, fashion, car production and real estate industries).
Products: Lobbying, PA and business consulting services.
Standards and certifications: Lobbying license
CPA Corpo Public Affairs
A: Teodora Drajzera 34, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 36 60 006
M: +381 65 20 11 154
E: office@corpopublicaffairs.rs