Danube Transport Logistics – DTL
Danube Transport Logistics – DTL, is a company engaged in water transport of all types of cargo, as well as all other closely related activities. The company, with its operational center in Belgrade, has been dealing with water transport of all types of cargos for over 20 years, both on the Danube and other inland waterways, i.e. rivers Sava, Drava, Tisa and DTD channel system. It is especially dedicated to the middle and lower parts of the Danube River as well as to the development of the mentioned inland waterways, i.e. rivers Sava, Drava, Tisa and DTD canal system. The company owns and operates a large number of vessels
- River transport
- Sea transport
- Chartering and brokerage services
- Port services
- Transhipment and storage
- Production and sale of gravel and aggregates
- Shipbuilding and ship repairs
- Agency and crewing
Production capacities:
- Fleet capacity for bulk cargo transport over 1 million tons per year
- Gravel production and transport capacity 1.5 million tons per year
Export markets: EU market, former Yugoslav republics, Russia, China, USA
Standards and certifications:
- License for performing the inland transportation
- License of a ship’s agent
- License of an brokerage/chartering agent
A: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina br. 165а, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 31 19 241
M: +381 63 44 47 38
E: petrovic@dtltransport.net