Our Garden of Eden contains twelve products, each of which individually had its way of origin, riping and giving fruits. Our products are hand-made and 100% natural, with no artificial colours, sweeteners, flavours and they contain no stabilizers or preservatives.
Products: We produced three types of products: healthy oil, healthy combinations of vegetables, sweet mosaic of honey, nutty fruit and seeds.
Production capacities: Oure productions capacity is based of pulse of nature. Limited series indicate that this is an exclusive concept, not intended for mass production.
Export markets: We exported our goods to England, Slovenia and Bosna and Hercegovina.
Standards and certifications: Production is carried out in accordance with the principles of HASAP, HALAL and ISO 22000 standard, and organic recertification of the plant is in progress as well.
A: Josipa Kelave 11, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
M: +381 69 354 44 22
E: rajskabasta.rs@gmail.com