GP Euroimpex

GP Euroimpex Ltd. was founded in 1989. and it is engaged in construction of residential and office buildings, industrial halls, road sound barrier systems, water and sewage pipelines, gasification, etc.

The company is currently engaged in several projects, such as: CEP Palace, Belgrade (residental building); 4 Four Towers, Loznica (residental building); industrial complex Minth Automotive Europe (industrial halls); road sound barrier systems at major infrastructure projects in Serbia.


  • buildings designing and construction of all types of residental and buisness premices
  • water and sewage pipelines
  • gasification
  • road sound barrier systems

Production capacities: the number and structure of employees changes depending on the scope of contracted projects.
Export markets: Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia
Standards and certifications: ISO 9001: 2008; ISO 14001: 2004; OHSAS 18001

GP Euroimpex
A: Jovana Cvijića 12, 15300 Loznica, Serbia
P: +381 15 88 39 91
M: +381 69 82 10 142