Hidrozavod DTD
Hidrozavod DTD, founded in 1947. for the of construction of the Hydro-system Danube-Tisa-Danube in Serbia. Today Hidrozavod DTD is a joint-stock company for studies, research, design and engineering with over 70 engaged highly qualified personnel in the field of water management (land reclamation-irrigation and drainage, watercourse regulation, hydro-systems.), water supply of cities and industries, environmental protection (sewerage systems, waste water treatment plants), geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations and more.
Products/Services: For over more than 75 years Hidrozavod DTD has delivered several thousands of services in all areas of expertise. The main services are:
- Studies and Investigations
- Designs and other technical documentation
- Engineering
- Construction on “Turn-key basis”
Production capacities: Extensive experience, modern equipment and a diverse professional staff enable Hidrozavod to be able to independently provide a wide range of services in the areas in which it operates. Hidrozavod DTD has a developed network of business partners with whom it participates in large multidisciplinary projects.
Veliko iskustvo, savremena oprema I raznovrstan stručni kadar omogućavaju Hidrozavod-u da može samostalno da pruži široki dijapazon usluga u oblastima u kojima posluje. Hidrozavod DTD ima razvijenu mrežu poslovnih partnera sa kojima zajedno nastupa na velikim multidisciplinarnim projektima.
Export markets: Balkan region
Standards and certifications: Hidrozavod DTD, as well as its employees, has all state and personal licenses to perform activities in its field. The company operates in accordance with international standards ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO27001, ISO45001.
A: Petra Drapšina 56, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
P: +381 21 30 01 300
M: +381 64 87 11 177
E: info@hidrozavoddtd.rs