Inform Technologies
Inform Technologies is an IT Professional Services Company, specializing in the provision of technically leading edge and cost-effective IT Services. Our IT Factory approach emphasizes strong project management and efficient and repeatable IT Solution Delivery processes. Inform Technology can bring nearshoring cost efficiency to new Startups, Small-to-Medium Enterprises and Large organizations.
Products/Services: With our products and services we are present in the following areas:
- Retail product – Inform product Retail CMS. Multi-tenant B2B, B2C Digital Signage solution for Museums, galleries, Retail.
- Logistic and delivery – Inform product Luggage Handling System – Luggage B2B end-to-end delivery platform for airlines and airports.
- Media & Communications
- Financial Services
- Mobile & Mobility Solutions
- Embedded Software Solutions
Production capacities: Our company organize provides IT capacity in different team setups. We can extend running inhouse IT team up 40 IT professional.
Export markets: Inform partners are located world-wide but we have focused mostly in DACH region, UK and USA.
Standards and certifications: We have been investing in the service excellence and cover ISO 27001 standard, and become Microsoft Partner.
Inform Technologies
A: 1300 Kaplara 20, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
P: +381 21 38 30 568
M: +381 64 14 36 397
E: office@inform-technologies.com