Nicholl Group
Nicholl Group is established as a limited liability company. As such it has designed, developed, and operates the first ever glamping resort in the country- Lala Vineyard. Based on sustainable practices and locally inspired experiential travel, Lala Vineyard is paving the way to company’s international expansion. Our concept is best described as affordable luxury paired with unique experiences that provide millennials a new way to travel and bond with the nature while at the same time secure a strong return on investment to its investors. Nicholl Group provides turnkey solutions for design and planning, management and operations, sales and marketing as well as the experiential programming of new or existing resorts.
Products/Services: Lala Vineyard glamping resort, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia; design and planning; resorts development; resorts management and operations; sales and marketing; experiential programming, training.
Production capacities: for further information, please contact olja@nicholl-group.com
Export markets: Worldwide
Nicholl Group doo Novi Sad
A: Vuka Karadzica 7, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
P: +381 62 1760 869
M: +971 52 696 8077, +381 62 1760 869
E: olja@nicholl-group.com