PWMC Srbijavode

PWMC “Srbijavode” (Public Water Management Company “Srbijavode”) was founded in 1996. in compliance with the Water Law to deal with water mangement. The Government of the Republic of Serbia is the founder of PWMC “Srbijavode”. The activities of PWMC “Srbijavode” include the management of watercourses and protection from the damaging effects of water, management and use of water, protection from water pollution, as well as the other activities aimed at common interests.


  • Construction,  reconstruction,  repair,  maintenance  and  management  of  regulatory  and  protective public water facilities, as well as the maintenance of watercourses;
  • Construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance and management of public drainage facilities;
  • Construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and management of public water facilities which provide protection against erosion and torrent, as well as the construction and activities in line with the law and aimed at the protection against erosion and torrent;
  • activities directed at flood defence;
  • creating water balance, controlling the reserve status of water resources and their rational use and protection, creating groundwater balance for each resource including the available resource, the way and dynamics of resource renewal and the activities providing rational use and protection of resources;
  • monitoring accidental damage pollution, organizing and controlling the implementation;
  • dealing with water management of protected areas, as well the other areas that affect them

PWMC Srbijavode
A: Bulevar umetnosti 2a, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
P: (011) 311 94 00