Serbian Welding Society

The Serbian Welding Society (DUZS) was founded in 1952. The permanent activitiy of the Society is to provide and improve education of welding personnel and transfer of knowledge by organising courses, lectures, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and similar events. DUZS takes part in the implementation of the European and International education systems in welding.  The Society publishes its welding journal “Welding & Welded Structures“ from 1954, as well as other welding publications.

Products/Services: As an Authorised Nominated Body in Serbia, DUZS-CertPers is responsible for conducting the evaluation or examinations leading to the award of an European/International Diploma or Certificate; DUZS organises courses, conferences, seminars and also publishes various welding publications

Production capacities: DUZS has over 500 members. Each year DUZS-CertPers awards over 100 international diplomas / certificates

Export markets: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Sudan

Standards and certifications: IIW Authorised Nominated Body – Certificate No 32/4; EWF Authorised Nominated Body – Certificate No 25/4

Serbian Welding Society
Grčića Milenka 67, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 24 20 652
M: + 381 63 12 78 745