StarTech Program

StarTech is a three-year project aiming to accelerate the growth of Serbian businesses by providing grants and expertise, improving the conditions for innovative entrepreneurship, and promoting innovative ideas, implemented by NALED in cooperation with the GoS and financed by Philip Morris in Serbia.

The project will include three annual open calls to support around 100 beneficiaries. The first open call in 2021 supported 29 projects with a total of $ 1 million, grants ranging from 15.000$ to 100.000$.

StarTech is looking for strategic partners or investors open for fund matching to support ideas with recognized potential for growth.


Three Pillars of tartech Project

  1. Direct financial and expert support to Serbian companies:
  • Grants
  • Mentoring
  • Business development consulting
  1. Improving the regulatory framework for innovation:
  • Lab of Innovative Public Policies
  • Creating enabling environment for growth of digital economy
  • Involvement in Government of Serbia’s Council for Digital Economy
  1. Outreach:
  • Promotion of innovations, innovators and Serbia as an investment destination

StarTech Program
A: Makedonska 30/7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
P:  +381 11 337 30 63