Torlak Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera

The “Torlak” Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera is a national producer of high quality, safe and effective vaccines and sera.“Torlak” Institute is one of the oldest institutions of this kind in the world, with more than 90 years of tradition and experience. It has four national reference laboratories for diagnostics, three of which are certified by the World Health Organization.

“Torlak“ Institute carries out scientific research and educational activities, and has development plans for new vaccines.

Products: TorVaxFlu® influenza vaccine, BCG vaccine freeze-dried, Tetavaksal-T® tetanus vaccine, Ditevaksal-T® diphtheria and tetanus vaccine, Ditevaksal-T® for adults diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for adults,  Aldipete-T® diphteria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, Totekvin® tetanus antitoxin (equine) for human use, Viekvin® viper venom antiserum (equine), PPD-T® tuberkulin purified tuberculin protein derivative for human use, Probiotic Liobif®, more than 90 different types of Culture media and 36 polen Allergens.

“Torlak“ Institute is in process of obtaining Marketing Authorization for medicine Гам-КОВИД-Вак (Sputnik V).

Production capacities: Production capacities for bacterial and viral vaccines, sera and other immunobiological and diagnostic preparations
Export markets: Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Bosia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Nigeria
Standards and certifications: Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate for medicine TorVaxFlu®, influenza vaccine (fragmented virus, inactivated); Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate for medicine Гам-КОВИД-Вак (Sputnik V); Certificate of Health Institution Accreditation; Decision on Accreditation of “Torlak“Institute as scientific institute, ISO 9001:2015 Certificate for Development and production of medical devices and food supplements; ISO 14001:2015 Certificate for Production of medicines, medical devices, food supplements and providing of diagnostic services; ISO 22000:2018 Certificate for Production and delivery of solid forms of food supplements, ISO 13485:2016 Certificate for Development, production and sales of bacteriological culture media and viorological transport medium; National Vaccine Store Certificate issued by WHO and UNICEF

A: Vojvode Stepe 458, 11152 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 24 68 266
M: +381 64 88 55 378